Monday, 17 November 2014

Getting to grips with being an honest Church

If you missed it, here's a link: Getting to grips with: Being an Honest Church

 Reading: Psalm 139
  1. What are the kinds of things that we think of when we think about being honest, and when might we find ourselves justifying being dishonest?
  2. Working your way through the psalm verse by verse, discuss what it has to say about our honesty as individuals, as part of a church family and in respect of the people we come into contact with who have no faith.
  3. How should we deal with gossip in churches? cf: Proverbs 25:23; Eph. 5:11;James 3:7-8 Matt. 18: 15-20
  4. Spend some time praying for each other and the integrity of every aspect of our church.
  5. Homework - get int the habit of praying the words of Psalm 139: 23&24 

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Getting to grips with: Being a Submissive Church

If you missed it, here's a link: Getting to grips with: Being a Submissive Church

 Reading: James 4:1-10
  1. What thoughts come to mind when you think about being submissive?
  2. What are the results of a lack of submission to God? Read through the first 4 verses and discuss the various points James raises.
  3. James looks back to the Old Testament in Verses 5 and 6. Discuss what it means for God to be a jealous God? And how does this link with His desire to give us overwhelming grace?
  4. Verse 7-10: what is the difference between submission and obedience?
  5. How can/should we apply this to our lives today?

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Getting to grips with: Being a Giving Church

If you missed it, here's a link to some notes: Getting to grips with: Being a Giving Church
Reading: Malachi 3: 8-12
  1. How would you describe a giving church?
  2. How might we rob God?
  3. Why do we struggle to give back to God? Discuss what our use of time, money, experiences shows of our commitment to God.
  4. Verse 9: does God curse us if we don't tithe?
  5. What has giving got to do with worship?
  6. Verse 10 includes the phrase "I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it in! Try it! Put me to the test!." Discuss