Monday, 7 December 2015

Heart Trouble?

Here's the link to the Sermon: A Work To Do In Your Heart  

Reading: Jonah 4
  1. What is the book of Jonah mainly about, and what are the other themes?
  2. Why is Jonah so angry at God? What does it tell us about Jonah?
  3. What is the lesson God is teaching Jonah in this chapter? How does He do it?
  4. We're not told Jonah's response, why is that?
  5. Discuss ways in which we can apply the message of this book to our lives

Monday, 30 November 2015

Turn around or be turned over

Here's the link to the Sermon: Turn around! 

Reading: Jonah 3
  1. How should we react when God gives second chances to a) others and b) ourselves?
  2. God demands that preachers preach His message. In which ways might we fail to do that and what are the possible results?
  3. Why do you think Jonah’s message was so effective?
  4. What is true repentance? How can it be recognised?
  5. Discuss fasting, what is it, what might be sensible things to fast from, and why?
  6. If God is unchanging (Num 23:19), then why does he seem to change his mind here?

Monday, 23 November 2015

God, You're right!

Here's the link to the Sermon: God, You're right! 

Reading: Jonah 1:17 - 2:10

This week the study is less directed, but there is a lot in this passage, so please don't rush through, but take some time to look at the things we didn't have time for in the sermon and also to remind each other of those things we did look at...
  1. How long was it before Jonah prayed?
  2. Take a look through Jonah's prayer and discuss any points that arise as you read through, line by line.
  3. In the sermon we looked at a number of important points for us to apply to our lives today, and there may well be others, spend some time discussing these as a group.
  4. What was the question we were left with at the end of the sermon?

Monday, 16 November 2015

Running Away From God

Here's the link to the Sermon: Running Away? 

Reading: Jonah 1
  1. What do we know about Jonah (more detail from the sermon)?
  2. What did God want Jonah to do? Why?
  3. Consider what it means for God to be omnipresent.
  4. Who might be your equivalent of the Assyrians (people you struggle to love as God loves)
  5. Whose life/lives was Jonah endangering by his actions, and what should we learn from this to apply to our own lives?
  6. Sometimes in a church it is right for us to throw the Jonah's out of the boat. Discuss this statement. What does it mean for the life of a church? What is the result if we fail to handle church discipline properly.
  7. What were the main points that came out of this passage for you, either as a result of the sermon or in your own personal study? discuss some of them as a group.