On Twitter, I've asked the question "Christians will you make The Cross Count as you make your cross?"
Wondering what to ask the candidates and how?
Let me share with you the letter I sent to my local candidates, feel free to copy and tweak it to match your needs. I used Christian Concern's excellent tool #ELECTION2015
Whatever you do, please make The Cross Count as you make your cross
Template letter:
Dear _____________
Election 2015
I’m writing to all of the candidates in my area to help
me, and my congregation, decide how to vote in the election. Firstly I would like
to thank you for being willing to stand for public office, and assure you that
if you are successful you will be supported in prayer.
I would be grateful for your answers to the questions
below. Ideally within a day or so, because
I intend to publish these to all of my congregation and other local churches.
No response will assume lack of interest in the Christian vote.
- How should government promote a married mum and dad as
the normal basis for family?
- Would you support the reversal of the same-sex
‘marriage’ law?
- Do you oppose the introduction of sex education in
primary schools?
- Are you aware of challenges faced by Christians in the
workplace? What steps would you take in response?
- Would you back new laws to protect freedom of
conscience and freedom of religion?
- How would you protect the freedom of Christian parents
to bring up their children in line with their faith and to opt out of sex
education in schools?
- What influence does Jesus Christ have on your own life?
- How would you stop the ‘British Values’ drive being
used to penalise Christian-based schools?
- How would you stop Sharia law being practised in the
- What code of conduct would restore the link between the
public and private morals of MPs?
- What steps would you take to end abortion and the
destruction of human life through embryology and IVF?
- What will you do to prevent legalisation of assisted
- Would you work to reverse the law that allows the
creation of ‘three-parent’ children?
Thank you for taking the time to respond. If you have any
questions for me please don't hesitate to contact me. As I said above, I'd very
much appreciate an early response.
If you would like more information about issues of
concern to Christians at this election You might try www.election2015.org.uk
Thank you for your time
Keith Waters