Reading: John 1:43-51 & Genesis 28
If you missed it, here's a link to the Sermon: THE Stairway to Heaven...
If you missed it, here's a link to the Sermon: THE Stairway to Heaven...
- Read Genesis 28 and discuss what you know of it as a group (don't worry about what you don't know!)
- Verse 43? Why did Jesus decide to go to Galilee?
- Discuss the enormity of what accepting Jesus' invite "come follow me" means?
- What's Nathanael's problem with Nazareth?
- What is Nathanael doing under the fig tree? How important is it that we daily spend time with God?
- Philip uses the best phrase in discussing Jesus with others: Come and see for yourself”. What's good about that?
- Talk about the conversation Jesus and Nathanael have; what can we learn from it, and what about that stairway?