Monday, 7 March 2016

Don't take that away!

Here's the link to the Sermon: What is the thing you can't live without?

Reading: Amos 8
  1. What did the Lord show to Amos in Amos 8:1-2, what did it mean and how does those verses apply to us today?
  2. In Amos 8: 3-6 there is a description of the Israelites attitude to the Sabbath and other holy days.
    1. Discuss the difference between the Lord’s Day and the Sabbath. How should we keep the Lord’s Day?
    2. What was the thrust of God’s words through Amos in these verses?
  3. What does the Lord say in Amos 8:7?
    1. How does that fit in with other verses offering forgiveness?
    2. Which verses can you find where God promises to forgive?
  4. What is the Lord going to do in Amos 8:11-12? Has this happened already or is it a prophecy, yet to be fulfilled? Discuss and explain.
  5. Amos and some of the other Minor Prophets can be a bit challenging in places. What would we miss if we didn’t tackle the less well known parts of the bible?
  6. As a group consider whether there are areas of teaching which people would like to (or feel they ought to hear), [Group leaders – please feedback any comments]

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