Monday 6 October 2014

Getting to grips with: Being a United Church

If you missed it, here's a link to the Sermon: Getting to grips with: Being a United Church

Reading: Ephesians 3:14-4:16

  1. Discuss the last 7 verses of chapter 3. Consider each verse and how we ought to apply it to our lives.
  2. As a result of those 7 verses Paul takes us through a whole list of behaviours we ought to display (Ephesians 4:1-6). Which ones are missing in our church, is there anything we should be doing about it?
  3. Which gifts are personal and which are for building up the church? V.7
  4. Verses 11&12 focus on key gifts which will bring unity in an obedient church. Why are they key gifts and what is the effect of a church obediently using them (c.f. verses 14-16)

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